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"The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" - Season 1recap - all you need to know

Updated: 4 hours ago

October 1, 2024

Courtesy: AMC

The highly anticipated second season of AMC's "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" premiered this past Sunday, September 29 and showcases the long-awaited return of Melissa McBride to the franchise. Let's take a look at the first season that led to "The Bok of Carol."

The first season, which consisted of six episodes, premiered on September 10, 2023, and concluded on October 15, 2023. It is a spinoff of "The Walking Dead" which ran on AMC for 11 seasons and starred Norman Reedus in the titular role. Clémence Poésy, Louis Puech Scigliuzzi, Anne Charrier, and Adam Nagaitis round out the supporting cast.

In season 1, Daryl Dixon is literally shipwrecked to France and is determined to return home to the Commonwealth. It is revealed that Daryl was taken from America by a ship transporting walker test subjects, and now the leader of the villainous group, Genet, wants him dead. He encounters new walker variants, soldiers for the Pouvoir des Vivants and nuns, one of whom is Isabelle.

Earlier in the zombie apocalypse, Isabelle escaped from Paris with her boyfriend Quinn and pregnant sister Lily. After abandoning Quinn and the tragic death of Lily during childbirth, Isabelle finds herself and the group captured by children in their old preschool, along with their dying teacher, Madame Dubois. Daryl gets medicine for Dubois in exchange for help from one of the kids, Lou, and despite the death of Madame Dubois, Daryl steps up and empowers Lou to take on the role of the new leader for the children.

Courtesy: AMC - Season 1

Meanwhile, Codron, the main Pouvoir des Vivants soldier, gives Genet information on Daryl. When Daryl's group finally arrives in Paris, they meet a community led by a man named Fallou. Fallou introduces Daryl and Isabelle to Antoine, who leads the community's communication system through its pigeons. With their assistance, Daryl finds information on a ship that can take him back to America.

This leads the group to the Demimonde nightclub, where they reunite with Isabelle's ex-boyfriend, Quinn. Quinn reveals that he is Laurent's father and demands that Isabelle and Laurent stay with him in exchange for his help. Daryl rejects the deal and prepares to set out on his own after an argument with Isabelle, telling her it's cruel how Isabelle continuously lies to Laurent about his true parentage. Laurent overhears the argument and runs away. Codron meets with Genet and convinces her to let him lead the search for Daryl while her people continue experimenting with walkers. Pouvoir attacks Fallou's community, and Isabelle searches for Laurent while Daryl falls through a roof following a brutal fight with Codron.

Genet is determined to kill Laurent, who is seen as a symbol of hope for humanity. Daryl reunites with Isabelle and Laurent however Laurent is kidnapped by Quinn's men and taken to Demimonde. Daryl sneaks into the nightclub and rescues Laurent while Fallou and his people create a distraction. Isabelle stays behind to ensure Daryl and Laurent's safety out of the city. We see the deeper bond forming between Daryl and Isabelle and the paternal instinct he feels towards Laurent. Daryl and Laurent leave Paris on a boat heading to the Nest while Isabelle returns to Demimonde.

Courtesy: AMC - Season 1

In flashback scenes, we finally learn how Daryl got to France. Daryl got stranded with his motorcycle on the road in Maine. Survivors capture live walkers and return them to a trading camp in exchange for supplies. Daryl captures walkers in exchange for the fuel he needs to return home.

 At present, Daryl teaches Laurent to fish and mentions his family back home; Judith, RJ, Connie, Ezekiel, and Carol. He also uses the radio at the American outpost to contact the Commonwealth. When Carol picks up, he tells her he's in Maine.

Isabelle struggles to reconnect with Quinn and receives a secret message from her friends. Despite facing betrayal, she agrees to attend a Pouvoir celebration with Quinn. On their way to The Nest, Daryl and Laurent are captured. Daryl is forced to participate in a gladiator-type fight with one of the enhanced walkers unaware that his friends are there.

After Daryl kills the walker, Quinn gets bitten and valiantly sacrifices himself to give Daryl a chance to escape. After reanimating, Laurent, with Daryl's support, puts Quinn down. Daryl's group continues their journey towards Mont-Saint-Michel, only to be ambushed by Genet's men. Codron, unable to harm Laurent, kills the men instead, vowing to seek revenge against Daryl at a later time. Upon his return, Genet punishes Codron and subjects him to torture to extract information.

Daryl's group finally reaches the Nest. He is torn between staying in France and returning to America, having formed a deep connection with Isabelle and Laurent as his internal struggle subtly portrays the relationship between Daryl and Isabelle. Despite this, he ultimately leaves without saying goodbye. As he prepares to leave the Nest, Isabelle confronts him, expressing her disappointment and drawing a parallel between Daryl's actions and his father's abandonment. Despite their argument, Daryl remains determined to return home. Daryl visits his grandfather's grave at the Normandy American Cemetery, where he is overwhelmed with emotion. He fights off a horde of walkers as he nears the beach, with the ship bound for America in sight. He hears Laurent calling out to him and looking back, he sees walkers closing in around Laurent, forcing Daryl to question whether he really wants to leave.

The final scene shows Melissa McBride's character, Carol, searching for Daryl in Maine. She retrieves his stolen bike and crossbow, setting up their highly anticipated reunion for season 2.


Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol is currently streaming on AMC and AMC+.



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